Thursday, July 12, 2012

Post Class Reflections

            I didn't really know what to expect going into my EDU 504 class last week. I remember from Jeff's previous talks about the class that neither professor was exactly a wiz at technology, so I didn't know what kind of approach this class would take. As you can tell by me putting this blog up a week late I really am horrible at technology. If this class was about how to use computer programs for specific tasks I feel that this would be very challenging for myself, but at the same time this may be what I need the most. My fears of technology were quieted by the professors essentially saying that this class was about knowing how technology applies to the classroom and how to use it. We are not exactly being drilled on specific computer programs, and this will make the course easier for me but I wouldn't have minded learning how to better use technology either. This class did make me excited for the future though because I do find it interesting to learn about the applications of technology.
            After all the introductions had been done we proceeded to address the Sheskey reading "Creating Learning Connections with Today's Tech-Savvy Student". In the discussion of this article we addressed students and their accountability in the classrooms. All of this discussion was very engaging and it seemed like most people were interested in the subject. This article brought up discussion of whether or not it's ok to put students work up for everyone to see through technology. While some people believe that other students seeing their work may push them to be better, I think it invades their privacy. I personally did not come from a school were technology was allowed in the classroom, so this was strange to me to envision a class where this goes on.
            Through this class I came to an understanding that in todays world technology is basically a second language. Young people are fluent in it and if I hope to connect with them I should know how to speak the same language as them. I can see from the Sheskey reading how it could improve classroom life, but also how technology can be controversial as well.
            I guess that it's time for me to learn how to use technology. This is my first ever blog, never thought I'd be blogging but here I am. I am willing to do whatever it takes to best serve my future students and if learning how to use technology in and out of class is a step I need to take them I'm fully willing to learn. Maybe one day I'll start texting!

1 comment:

  1. It is nice to know that there are other people in our program, like myself, who are not the most tech-savvy. I do not fear technology, I am just not the biggest fan of it invading so many facets of my life. On the other hand, I do not see sharing work in the classroom to be an breach of privacy. I think that sharing is crucial for a class and academics in general. Secrecy in research, while it does have its place for economic interests, etc., slows overall progress in any field. As this is definitely not an issue in our high school classrooms I say go ahead and share as much information as possible.
